Sunday, June 20, 2010

In John Deere green, on a hot summer night.....

Those are the words to a country song by Joe Diffie that reminded me of Charlie on his tractor :)
 To give Paul a break from just having back surgery, Mimi and I took Charlie out to Western school to play on the "toys" and let Charlie ride his tractor around. He has finally mastered his tractor and had a blast driving it around. He even got to drive by and check out the school buses. Lexie just chilled of course. We didn't get to stay too long since that nasty storm decided to show up. The next evening, we busted out Charlie's water/sand table and he had fun filling it up and playing with his boats. He was naked a majority of the time of course. The diaper doesn't last long outside. Poor Lexie had a bit of gas so she just chilled on Mimi lap.

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