Sunday, June 27, 2010

Toy Story

C's 1st time at the movie. Went to see Toy Story 3 and only made it through the previews. I had to leave with him. I think it was too loud. Aunt Jen and Paul stayed and enjoyed it :)

Jen bought C & L new PU shirts. C would not take it off and had to wear it to the movie. The next morning I put his Brewer's shirt on and he pointed at it and said Aunt Jen b/c he thought it was his PU shirt.


Kristi said...

The cuteness that lives under your roof AMAZES me. Love, love. And the nakie pics? PLEASE! So fantastic. :)

The Brewer Babies! said...

Thanks Kristi. You have a pretty cute boy there yourself. I love seeing pictures of Mr. Alex :) See you in August!