Monday, July 19, 2010

Lexie is 2 months old TODAY!

Lexie went to the Dr. today. She was all smiles and was VERY chatty. Until her shots of course.

Here are her stats:
Weight: 10 lbs 2 oz (25th percentile)
Length: 21.5 in. (25th percentile)
Head: 15.25 in ( 25-50th percentile)

She is doing really well and is right where she should be. She can start cereals in 2 months. OMG! She is getting big WAYYYY to fast. She was pretty sad about her shots. I hate seenig her cry like that. We got back in 2 months. I wish I could stop time :)

Laying on the table waiting for the Dr. to come in....

Post shots...Look at her poor little red eyes.

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