Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Lexie is 7 weeks old Today!

Lexie is changing so much everyday! She is smiling like crazy and holding her head up so well.  She is very strong.  Hopefully a future volleyball player :) This is my last week off work :( I have really enjoyed having the summer off to spend time with my kiddos and Mom. Lexie slept through the nigh last night. A straight 7 hours. It was wonderful. Probably won't happen when I go back to work next week, but I can hope.  Well I better get back to business. Charlie is driving around the yard like a maniac and Lexie is licking my arm. lol He is now begging me to watch the magic carpet ride. He likes to see Paul and I flying. He cries when we fall off the carpet. Such a goofy boy.

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